Everyday teachers and schools are being bombarded by an influx of education technology apps for free use. Marketed to all forms of educators, “freemiums” are initially pitched to individual users, a genius advertisement tactic to encourage potential customers affiliated with a target demographic to bite the bait - for free - in the hopes to eventually tap into district usage, where the “freemium” model would no longer be available and advanced features come at an extra cost. This is no real surprise since, like most services we enjoy or believe in, eventually comes with a price. However, what is not often expected, that has been happening with the surge of educational apps used in many school districts, is students who have been using such apps at their schools - often considered to be a secure environment - have had their private information, including test scores, school district, age, gender, ethnicity, etc, made publicly available on the internet, without their, or the district's, consent.
Success and discipline often seem to go hand-in-hand. The general rule of thumb is that through discipline, the road to success will be smoother and more gratifying. Practice and do-diligence are the main ingredients for expertise and an awarding talent; talent generally believed to be a gateway to open up doors to opportunities for a successful, robust career.
The “Selfie” – the cultural activity, icon, and dare I say relic or sorts, that has been auspiciously practiced throughout many people’s daily lives – has established a robust selfie-zealot practice globally. It has been venerated on Facebook and esteemed on twitter. The popularity of such a dutiful practice baffles me, particularly because it seems little attention has been given to it’s origin, like so many practices of this type.
During church services early Easter Sunday a series of 8 bomb blasts struck Sri Lanka's Christian community, in addition various well-known high-end luxury hotels throughout multiple of the country's cities. By 10am casualties rose to 207, with hundreds more injured. Just a few hours after the attack seven suspects were arrested, with no report of whether or not they were apart of a larger party of terrorists.
Sri Lanka has a 25-year history of terrorist uprisings, however for almost a decade much of the transgressions had dissolves allowing the country to live in relative peace since 2009. Today, Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has encouraged its citizens to "remain united and strong".
Our global community can all "remain united and strong" to demonstrate support for Sri Lanka. As prominent leaders around the globe continue to condemn the deadly attacks, the narrative of perseverance can prevail over one of defeat. Terrorists attacks have become devastatingly more common in recent history. Let's use our collective voices to assist in fortifying Sri Lanka’s citizens by globally unifying and advocating for resilience through circulating on social media that "you too stand in solidarity with Sri Lanka" during these difficult time.
With the amount of stress in our lives, whether it be related to family, work or school, it has become difficult for our bodies to maintain a healthy balance of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals in the brain that relay information throughout the body. These chemicals affect both involuntary and voluntary functions, meaning, not only are they responsible for notifying the heart to beat and lungs to breath, but they are also in charge of mood, concentration and sleep. Aside from stress, studies have shown that caffeine, sleep deprivation, alcohol, poor nutrition and prescription drugs can also contribute to having suboptimal levels of neurotransmitters.
When we go to an internet cafe, sign into a free network and access our accounts, we generally assume that most people in the building are there using the internet for similar reasons. Although this may often be the case, it is not true all the time. Internet cafes and places that offer free internet access to paying customers are seen as lucrative havens for the unethical hacker.
College entrance exams can be very valuable – if the student does well. The right preparation can have a dramatic effect on SAT scores, as some research shows a 100 point difference. Not only can a high SAT score help a student's acceptance rate, but it can significantly contribute to having school scholarships tilt in their favor.
After going to four years of college, and perhaps an additional 2-to-6 years of higher education for a M.A. or PhD, one might expect, or at least hope, all their time, effort and most importantly, money, will pay off. However, a degree does not always equate directly to employment or anteup in the way so often pitched to credulous high school graduates. There are a staggering number of additional factors, beyond a degree, that need to be considered when gauging one's future employability and economic success, post graduation. Unfortunately, the reality often is that if you want a well paying job, one generally needs the network and credentials from a top University. This necessity contributes to the correlation between wealth and opportunity, causing the ever-increasing income inequality gap.
Whether it’s from caffeine overload, a filled-to-the-brim schedule, sleep deprivation or kids that just won't sit still, many of us have adrenal fatigue, not even knowing what that means or how it can be remedied.
At BioidenticaRX we choose GloMinerals not only for their rich hues and crease-free coverage, although these are undoubtedly a plus. Rather, it is due to its rich mineral base, jammed packed with antioxidants, that offer so much more than what one would expect from their make-up. Blended with quality sourced vitamins, extracts and minerals, we offer GloMinerals to our clients to provide a form of coverage that will allow people to look great now, and in the future!
As students graduate from college with heavy-weighted degrees in the “Liberal Arts”, what they are finding is that in order to make a six figure income, what is becoming increasingly essential, outside of degrees and life experience, is the ability to code. The discouraging factor is that to acquire enough knowledge and experience in coding to land a well paying job, the time commitment and cost are both far less than a four-year degree.
There has been copious reports touting the benefits of DHEA in the past decade. However, many are still in the dark as far as it’s fundamental function in the body. Some know it for its supposed brain health attributes, while others might recognize it as having something to do with metabolism. Although the two go hand-in-hand, these two associations are still quite vague.
“Contentment is a bit different from simply being happy. We usually think of happiness as dependent on a set of circumstances. Contentment, on the other hand, is not dependent on anything, It’s a sense of not needing or wanting things to be different in order to be okay”.
-Jillian Pransky from her book “Deep Listening”
Like any project, at times it’s difficult to determine where or how to start. In isolation or in community? Alone or together? In my thoughts or on the paper? However, incessant rumination and ceaselessly waiting for the “right time” can become pathological. Therefore, it is with this knowing that I woke up after months of consideration about the current geography of our societal narrative around women’s voices being heard, when I realized that it was time for me to be apart of the dialogue.
At their inception, drones were considered dangerous and violating. Albeit still controversial, today, drones are becoming much more acceptable, even commonplace. What was once front page, headline news, readers can now find a few pages in, buried between articles about the latest start-up and what the Apple disciples are crafting next.
There has been a growing amount of RFID (radio frequency identification) chips used in the past decade, specifically in healthcare, academic institutions, and domestic animals. The push for these tiny glass grain-sized chips has been to, in theory, add to the ever growing era of convenience. They are advertised as providing efficiency, track-ability, along with practicality to peoples lives.